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  • Guppy Fry update!!!

    They are all doing well, getting ready to choose 15 to send to Tammy on March 6th and 20 to Jason in three weeks!!! Busy!
    Bobelot: HIIIIII! My g-ma is still doing bad, she's getting worse I think... :'(

    Thanks! They are! Lola's great, HUGE again!!! Poor thing! I'm glad people don't have a kid every month! Lol, I have, hmmm... lets see, 6 tanks and 4 bowls. It's a lot, today I'm doing cleaning. I have to watch my g-ma though, so It's going to be hard to watch her and be in the other end of the house cleaning tanks, so maybe I will wait till she gets back... :eek:)
    Hi there! Hope your fishies are doing will! How is Lola doing after all those 68 babies. How many tanks do you have? I only have a few, my parents don't like all the tanks everywhere.
    I just noticed u commented on the pics I put on my proflile it said do you have a picture of you and your chickens ?

    I must reply to that the answer is
    No I do not because I think it is dangerous to have a pic of your self on thr web
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