Recent content by ClundRnc

  1. C

    How to get my flock back inside after supervised time outside.

    I have been doing something like this with my 8 week old chicks. They are starting to come when I call them with mealworms. I am trying to get them to use the ramp that goes back up to the coop. So far, it's a challenge. How long did it take your chickens to comply?
  2. C

    Teach a chick to use the ramp to outside and then come back in?

    Our chicks are in the coop and with the onset of warm weather, we constructed a ramp for them to use to go outside into their yard and then back in at night. The first day went pretty well they struggled with using the ramp, but managed it and then all but 2 made it back all by themselves to the...
  3. C

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I'm still here. We moved and got a whole new group of chicks that are about 8 weeks old right now.
  4. C

    New chicks dying

    Temp is 95 degrees F. Not feeding grit, they are too young (?), Just started today, pre/probiotic and electrolytes in water. Have now covered shavings.
  5. C

    New chicks dying

    Temp is 95 degrees F. Not feeding grit, they are too young (?), Just started today, pre/probiotic and electrolytes in water. Have now covered shavings.
  6. C

    New chicks dying

    Thanks for your response. I will try the covering of the shavings. They are on crumble feed we have had chicks before and never had a die off of chicks.
  7. C

    New chicks dying

    Chicks were on sale at the local Farm supply store, picked up 4. Then picked up 4 more from another local farm supply store. They are about 1-2 weeks old. We have had them for 4 days. One by one, they are dying. One minute they are normal eating and drinking chicks and in a few hours, gone. We...
  8. C

    Integration of New Chicks into Existing Flock - How It's Going

    This is very helpful! I'm considering getting some chicks next season (April). I have 5 2year old hens and am concerned with how to go about this process. Thanks for breaking it down.
  9. C

    Previous Layer Not Laying but in Nesting Box

    The heat also affects my hens and their egg production. It's obvious that they are troubled by the heat. I have been leaving frozen soda bottles (full of water) on the ground in their pen. They lay next to them or stand on them. I also freeze water in plastic bowls with fruit or veg scraps in them.
  10. C

    Chickens stopped laying and are losing feathers

    Hi everyone. My chickens are now 1 1/2 years old and we are in California. My 2 Plymouth Rock hens are no longer laying and they are losing feathers like crazy. Is that molting? Not sure of what to do about it. All suggestions accepted!
  11. C

    Hot chickens

    It has been 109 for the last 2 days and 102 is forcast for tomorrow! My chickens have shade and I put small frozen bottles of water in their pen on the ground. But they are still with mouths open. One of them is not feeling well tonight and just isn't herself. Luckily, it does cool down at...
  12. C

    Bare chicken buns

    I haven't taken pictures, but I could. No rooster.
  13. C

    Bare chicken buns

    Both of my Pearl white leghorn chickens (8 most. Old) have bare skin on their backside. All of the fluffy feathers are gone. The other 3 chickens still have theirs. Is that molting?
  14. C

    Suddenly eating their eggs

    The hens are 8 months old and have been laying since 21 weeks, except for 1 that started laying about 3 weeks ago. They are given layer feed, lots of vegs on the side. Calcium and grit also, they free roam nearly everyday for several hours. They're shells are strong. We put a golf ball in each...
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