Recent content by ChocolateWingTheRooster

  1. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! How do I help bullied hen with possible prolapsed vent?

    I do have some extra chicken wire at the farm, I’ll see if that works with my parents. Better than having her inside all morning like I have today. Yeah I worry they’ll start to bully her again. Chickens are ruthless from what I’ve seen with her, it sucks. Also— good news! She laid an egg just...
  2. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! How do I help bullied hen with possible prolapsed vent?

    She was leaking some clear white-ish substance earlier so that checks out. I made sure to apply some ointment to the area. Seems like her stool is loose ever since she first pooped, which is somewhat concerning but she also hasn’t been eating the feed for a bit. I gave her a tums which she...
  3. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! How do I help bullied hen with possible prolapsed vent?

    I did unfortunately have to wait out the night and until my parents left, I am unfortunately still under their authority, but she is currently being bathed. Will update in a few.
  4. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! How do I help bullied hen with possible prolapsed vent?

    So I noticed blood in the coop this afternoon and immediately looked to the poor bullied hen, Beetle. Despite being older than the others by some days, this poor hen landed herself at the bottom the pecking order and is constantly bullied— she used to have feathered feet 😭 Well... turns out...
  5. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Old hen with odd new growth on comb

    Hi! Been a minute since my last post. I was looking at one of my old farm hens, Scarlett (around 5 years old) today when I noticed a strange new growth on her comb. Should I be concerned? Not a clue when it formed. I’m not sure what I could do about it but I just wanted to ask.
  6. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

    Yeah. While it’s been a hot minute since I last saw a fox, and one of the two I’ve *ever* seen wasn’t alive, I suppose it’s a possibility; the *pack* of coyotes that are around us are only up at night— and you would hear them if they were the ones to get the chickens— they’re LOUD (also they...
  7. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

    They aren’t full grown yet! They’re like 4 months old at this point? So I find it a possibility just knowing the predators in my area. We gots all sorts of hawks here (for example we have Cooper’s, Red-Shouldered and Red-Tailed hawks)
  8. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

    Turns out the predator can come during the day too 😭 took one of my Buff Orpington babies in the middle of the day. The chicken clearly fought back this time based on the feathers scattered all over. Thinking it’s a hawk, as neither raccoon nor opossum would just kill one and go off with it. My...
  9. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

    I’ll definitely start locking them up at night. But I will have to talk about the rest with my dad. Thank you for the fast reply.
  10. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help!! Predator got one of my pullets!

    Hello all. Long time no post here. Just lost my first pullet in a while to what clearly was a predator. Body is completely gone, no blood, only scattered and clearly torn out feathers left in her place. According to my dad he heard squawking last night, but he only told me this afternoon-ish...
  11. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    The dreaded “cockerel or pullet” game. 5-7 week old chicks.

    For sure! I’ve never had a Silkie before him, he’s so cute! Let’s hope he’s not like my other rooster, mean and aggressive, cos I do wanna keep the pretty boy haha
  12. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    The dreaded “cockerel or pullet” game. 5-7 week old chicks.

    Whelp— Update: guess who crowed for his first time today? The Silkie, Moth. We’re gonna see how his temperament is before deciding what to do with him.
  13. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    (Not sure where else to post) Uneven waddle on young Silkie?

    Just in case this could be illness-related I’m posting this here! Likely isn’t anything bad but a chicken parent is allowed to worry. I have a young Silkie, about 6-7 weeks old. Not sure of their sex yet, but at this point it’s leaning to cockerel unfortunately. Especially when looking at their...
  14. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Show me your front-facing-fowl!!!

    I was taking photos yesterday and found that my chickens are so silly-looking from the front! So show me your front-facing-fowl >:3
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