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  • I kind of like it. The first book was good, but the second book was so full of teenage drama that I put it down. :p
    Hey CD!
    I dunno why I'm not PMing you, but anyway....
    Do you like the Hunger Games? I can't remember you ever specifying.
    Also, if you could tell me where my laptop recharger is... :p
    ############_________ _________############_________ ___________########___________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ _####_______######_______####_
    _####### Traditional Roman ######_
    _######### CATHOLIC ##########_ _############################_ _####_______######_______####_ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ____________######____________ ___________########___________ _________############_________ _________############_________

    I just found this online! I hope it works. :p
    i will once i take a pic of it, i dunno why, but she been waiting a long time to get done, and i got a art bloke for a while @_@ but i am finally getting stuff flowing now! and i had to so i could work on a special project.
    hehe, dunno why, but i just got a sketch done, and it something that i think you may like XD
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