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  • Just wondering if you could help me on what to do my chicken got attacked by my dog and now is making gurgling sounds like something is wrong with her lungs. Any information please help
    I'm trying to free range my quail.And where are doing
    good but now they are trying to escape.And i'm trying to free range them
    without a fence.So do you guys have any ideas?
    I have an issue that I have never encountered before. I have raised chickens for 20+ years but have only recently started hatching my own. Yesterday I had one hatch and its leg is backwards! It appears to be at the knee but when we try to turn it she cries. Not sure what we can do if anything. Suggestions please!!
    Making a thread in the diseases section is your best chance for help.
    I am so happy to see my little buff all better and eating. It was so hard to watch her not eat and lay around, but after 2 days of giving her olive oil and sugar water drips she did a very wet poop and was running around eating and drinking to make up lost days.
    I have an idea for you to consider. :) In the same way that you have topic to add a thread to, is there a way for you to create new categories based on repeated thread topics? There are many there many with similar names posted over many years. Is there a way for users to suggest similar threads to the same topic area? Just a thought. :) Love BYC!
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