Recent content by BrierRabbit

  1. BrierRabbit

    Poultry show *CLOSED*

    Picture: Name: Olive Age: 5-ish months? Gender: Female Breed: Bantam RIR
  2. BrierRabbit

    Showing time!

    Picture: Name: Olive Age: 5-ish months? Gender: Female Breed: Bantam RIR My pictures suck I actually need to break out the camera instead of my phone next time. Gorgeous roos, btw
  3. BrierRabbit

    Bantam Rhode Island Red Thread

    I just got my new bantam RIR to show in 4h. She's a real sweetheart and is already laying for me. What do you think of her?
  4. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    One of my Pogirl chicks has curled toes :( I'll try to fit him with little cardboard booties tomorrow when I move them from incubator top brooder.
  5. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    They're absolutely precious!
  6. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    I just got home and two of my Pogirls have hatched! The last Pogirl and one of my Silkied OEGBs are pipped also! That just leaves my Silkie and the other OEGB Pic? ^.^ Update: The last Pogirl zipped!
  7. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    Got a call from my brother around four today saying that one of my Pogirls has pipped! :weee
  8. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    Thanks, I really hope some hatch! I'm a little more hopeful now :) My brother has a heat lamp shining through the incubator windows and said the temp is staying steady at 100. He brought them over to his house (next door) and everything so he could keep an eye on them. He's never dealt with...
  9. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    I'm super bummed out. I left for vacation yesterday and left my older brother in charge of my incubator. It was lockdown day and I'm due to be back on hatch day so all he had to do was keep the humidity and temp right. Well, I got a call at about eight last night saying that the incubator...
  10. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    Today made day fifteen so I decided to candle again. Looks like out of twelve chicken eggs I have two quitters, four clear, and six wiggling embryos. None of the turkey eggs look to have ever started. :/ Ahh well, I'm just super excited for these six little dudes ^.^ I hope they all make it
  11. BrierRabbit

    Yum or Yuck?

    Yum! Chicken Alfredo?
  12. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    28 days If I'm lucky I'll have turkeys a week after chickens
  13. BrierRabbit

    Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

    Mind if I join in? :) I set 16 eggs on May 16th. 3 Pogirl, 2 silkied OEGB, 7 Silkie, 4 Narragansett Turkey. I'm on day eleven and candled yesterday. Four of the chicken eggs were clear and I'm totally unsure about any of the turkey eggs. The rest look to be developing wonderfully This is my...
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