Recent content by Boy George

  1. B

    Ameraucana has bald spots on face and is shaking head

    It certainly could be. I haven't caught anyone in the act of bullying but it seems like it could be a possibility.
  2. B

    Ameraucana has bald spots on face and is shaking head

    Here are a couple pictures from a few weeks ago that show how she looked before.
  3. B

    Ameraucana has bald spots on face and is shaking head

    We have nine hens in a fully enclosed coop and run. One of our Ameraucanas has recently gotten bald spots around her face and on her head. She seems to be shaking her head sometimes, too (I'm not sure if she's doing that more than usual or if I'm just paying closer attention). I picked her up...
  4. B

    Hens have black spots on combs

    Thanks all, I appreciate the peace of mind and welcome to the community :)
  5. B

    Hens have black spots on combs

    Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs. We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is...
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