Recent content by bmaxim13

  1. B


    I have noticed all my chickens have the black scab on one or both of their feet. They have sand in one part of their run with an attached run that is now dirt because they tore all the grass up...shocker haha. I keep the sand sifted and clean as much as possible. The dirt part doesnt ever get...
  2. B

    Bump on foot

    I was wondering if that's what it was. I realized 3 chickens had similar bumps so that all got an Epsom salt foot bath and put into a different pen in the grass for a bit. I'll keep soaking their feet and see if it can get the bump down. Thank you!!!!
  3. B

    Bump on foot

    Hey all! When I was out given my chickens some watermelon treat I noticed one of my chickens had a bump on the top of her foot in-between her two toes. She stands and runs on it fine but was holding it up more so while eating than the others. Is this something that I need to treat immediately...
  4. B

    Roosting Issues

    We have 11 chickens. 10 are hens and one cockerel. I have had them all since they were chicks, they are all about 8 months old. 8 of the chickens roost on the one side of the coop. We have two roosting bars each about 4 foot across. They are about 4 feet apart at the same height. One on the left...
  5. B

    Starlight Green Eggers Progress Pics and Breed Discussion

    Fingers crossed for you! I was very disappointed when I ended up with 2 males.
  6. B

    Starlight Green Eggers Progress Pics and Breed Discussion

    He was very ealy maybe 8 weeks or so...he started trying to crow, then he got the long sickle feathers in. I have seen where they show looking at the neck feathers and if they are round it is a female and if it is more pointy it is male. This was him at 8 weeks and the other male we had.
  7. B

    Starlight Green Eggers Progress Pics and Breed Discussion

    Does anyone have a starlight green egger rooster? The two sexed chicks that I bought ended up both being male. The one that we kept is almost 17 weeks old. He is very pretty and is fine with me. However he has jumped with legs up at our 4.5 year old son only while in the pen. So he is not...
  8. B

    Cracked top beak

    Thank you so much!
  9. B

    Cracked top beak

    Thank you so much! I have the BluKote on hand alread, I just didn't want to put it on her beak. Her friend was leaving her alone but eating a lot of the food so I moved her back with the others so I could see if the hurt one is eating or not. I am hoping it clots up good so that she doesn't...
  10. B

    Cracked top beak

    Thank you! I did some searching on my own but lots of posts didn't have the chicken beak bleeding so I had to make my own post haha. Should I put some food in water so it is softer for her? Everytime she hits it she is bleeding again.
  11. B

    Cracked top beak

    This morning I went out to put my chickens into thier outdoor run. I noticed one my my barred rocks had blood on her beak. I got all the chickens out and then was able to clean her beak up and noticed she had a crack going across the top of her beak. I put her back into the coop and she started...
  12. B

    Is my starlight chicken a rooster?

    Here is an update on my two...I'm thinking they are both roosters now 😣. They are a little over 10 weeks...those long tail feathers have me thinking roosters. Pluto is next to one of our barred rocks which is the same age.
  13. B

    Combining chicks that are 6 weeks apart.

    Thank you all for your feedback!! I opened up the pen that the 6 weeks are in so that they can go out but can also get back in to safety if they need to. I have it opened on two different sides where only the 6 weeks old can fit back in and out while the 11 and 12 week olds cant fit in. They...
  14. B

    Combining chicks that are 6 weeks apart.

    I have three batches of chicks. My first two are 12 and 11 weeks old and have been together since I got them. They are a group of 8, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Black Marans, 1 Golden Comet, 1 Americana and they get along great...I haven't seen any issues with them, they all sleep...
  15. B

    Starlight green egger gender?

    Did it turn out to be a rooster? Mine is currently almost 6 weeks and looks VERY similar
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