Recent content by blondebarnbabe

  1. blondebarnbabe

    Day 21 and only 1 pip and now nothing. What should I do?

    Egghead Jr, thanks for the tip on older eggs taking a bit longer to hatch. Your comment is making me feel a tad better; I'm hoping that the eggs I have in the incubator (on day 21 or 22ish) are taking their time because I "collected them" on the kitchen counter for 10 days before putting them...
  2. blondebarnbabe

    Incubating: What counts as day One?

    When incubating eggs (I'm an incubating virgin) do you count day One as THE SAME day you put them under heat, or the next day? I have ten SL Wyandotte eggs and today would be day 22 (if you count the very first day you move them from the kitchen counter to the incubator). They're on "lockdown"...
  3. blondebarnbabe

    Comment by 'blondebarnbabe' in article 'Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation Of Chicken Eggs'

    Silkiechicken, you ROCK! This is a GREAT thread. I am an incubating virgin and my SL Wyandotte eggs are on day 22 today... no signs of pipping. I'm REALLY bummed. With the exception of candling (duh! I just entrusted the virility of Studmuffin Bob) I have faithfully followed the directions...
  4. blondebarnbabe

    Comment by 'blondebarnbabe' in article 'How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken!'

    Today would be day 22 -1/2, maybe 23 for my first time incubating some SL Wyandotte eggs. I never did candle the darned things (duh!) and still no chicks. Please send out your best chick karma for a couple of hatchlings!
  5. blondebarnbabe

    The Proper Hen House

    My family and I were unexpectedly thrust into the chicken life last year when my idiot in-laws thought it would be funny to spring a chicken on my 8 yr. old daughter for a birthday gift. The kid was thrilled. The parents were not. However, "Rose" grew on us all, and this summer we completed...
  6. Uploads


  7. blondebarnbabe

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Anyone with any thoughts on my earlier post with the ?s on the more desirable of the two blue Ameracauna pullets?
  8. blondebarnbabe

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Here are two blue pullets. Can anyone tell me which one is more desirable, color-wise? THANKS for any insight you might lend me! There are a couple more pics of them on my page. Can't figure out how to post images on a thread.
  9. blondebarnbabe

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    THANKS! I do keep them penned, so I'd better look into the Valbezen. I appreciate it! Keep up the great cyber tutoring!!
  10. blondebarnbabe

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    Hi Speckledhen~ LOVE your 10 Commandments... with the exception of the "don't unnecessarily de-worm" one. Scratching my head on that one. I'm pretty new to my chicken obsession but I REALLY want to do them well (I have always subscribed to your rule on "if you wouldn't drink the water...
  11. blondebarnbabe

    Best way to get pullets used to me n the kids

    Quote: So true. Like people and most animals, they are all different personalities. Of course children are eager for the "bonding" with animals, and since they are not prone to give up that desire, will keep trying to tame the chickens. Quiet voices and treats are a must, but I find that...
  12. blondebarnbabe

    What to use for a chicken run COVER?

    My Ameracauna rooster Steve loves to fly up over my six foot high pen in order to terrorize Bob, the handsome new SL Wyandotte cockerel (little does Steve know that Bob will soon outweigh him in the extreme). What do you all use specifically to cover your runs and prevent flying predators...
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