Recent content by BayBay Peepers

  1. BayBay Peepers

    Help me integrate my flock!

    Sounds like things are going pretty good so far :) I'm sorry to see you lost a chick. Sometimes (like your case it seems) there just isn't a way to prevent it.
  2. BayBay Peepers

    I've been gone for so long I feel like I can't navigate the site anymore. I miss my old threads :/

    I've been gone for so long I feel like I can't navigate the site anymore. I miss my old threads :/
  3. BayBay Peepers

    Help me integrate my flock!

    You'll definitely need to wait until they at least make it to a stage they don't need heat. If it doesn't work I'd wait and try again when they're a little closer in size. I agree with giving that hen a chance. I had two hens with chicks and I kept them each separate (but housed the Mamas...
  4. BayBay Peepers

    Looking for advice for blind chicken

    We're not to house chicken yet, but it is a good suggestion. We have a baby that will be arriving soon and I don't think my husband is too keen on having a chicken in the house. The mites are being obliterated here with permethrin. We had an infestation here a few years ago and it was the...
  5. BayBay Peepers

    Looking for advice for blind chicken

    Two days ago I picked up a pullet that the owner believed had bad eyesight, but some sight none the less. She figured having her in a large group was too much competition. She's about 3 1/2 months. Thinking she could kind of see I made the four hour round trip to snatch her up...only to...
  6. BayBay Peepers

    Help me integrate my flock!

    There is a chance she will help integrate them, but I wouldn't put too much faith in that. When they're old enough I recommend adding them to the group under cover of darkness. I've always had really good luck with this whether it was with younger or older birds. It's like they kind of assume...
  7. BayBay Peepers

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Hello everyone. We have some good news A few weeks ago I went to pick out a new rooster. I was hoping for an older guy, but ended up with a 4-5 month cockerel. He was one of 8 boys that were all supposed to be girls haha So far he is such a keeper. He has a lot of qualities that remind me...
  8. BayBay Peepers

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone :) My flock is a little safer as we caught a weasel. Second one this week, but first one next to the coop. I'm guessing it's the same one that did the deed. I hope everyone has a blessed day :)
  9. BayBay Peepers

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I did find one yesterday thank you. The good news is I believe I found a seller. They have eight extras for me to choose from. Now cross your fingers integration goes well. I've never had to add a rooster :)
  10. BayBay Peepers

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I did contact one person on there just haven't heard back yet so I thought here would be a good next search. My vet offered me a replacement rooster, but I wanted to see if there were any buff orps out there beforehand. I just loved mine so much and I like the breed in general.
  11. BayBay Peepers

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you for the link corewassen. Unfortunately that's about 4 or so hours north of me.
  12. BayBay Peepers

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    I am so sorry for your loss Cynthia. ((Hugs))
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