Aunt Angus
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  • I just wanted to send a message along to you. I read through your post about advice on starting your flock and what size coop. I did all the same research and reading that you did and started with a small coop for my first flock. It was 4.5' x 8' and I had 16 hens in there. My run was only 10'x10'. This was plenty for them. They got to free range most afternoons and weekends.
    Aunt Angus
    Aunt Angus
    I figure 32 sq ft for 4 hens is plenty. Shoot, that's more than my students get in my classroom (I teach HS). My chicks arrive this week. My brooder is ready and waiting, but I'd like to get the little darlings out ASAP. The weather here in California is perfect for that right now.
    Aunt Angus
    Aunt Angus
    Now if I could just get my stinkin' floor to square up, I'd be in business...

    THANK YOU!!!! I feel loads better.
    Cluckingham Palace-MI
    Cluckingham Palace-MI
    Sorry, just seeing your response back. I've been dealing with the regular end of summer happenings here in MI! sp. ft. is plenty for 4. Like I said before I had 16 in a 4.5'x8'.

    How are your little chicks doing?
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