Recent content by Allie_pollman

  1. Allie_pollman

    Nesting boxes too low

    Yes, we have bear. On a regular basis! It’s our biggest concern.
  2. Allie_pollman

    Nesting boxes too low

    We only have 6 birds. Thanks for advice!
  3. Allie_pollman

    Nesting boxes too low

    They are 18 inches apart horizontally and they are 8ft long each. We only have 6 birds. The rafters are our ventilation. They are open on all four sides. We have hardware cloth stapled all along the rafters. I got in and stood up and there is a ton of airflow, but we did purchase a small vent to...
  4. Allie_pollman

    Nesting boxes too low

    The picture isn’t very good. Our roosting bars at 12 in from the wall and over 18 in apart. We have 16ft total of roosting bar so I’m sure they’ll have plants of space. Thanks!
  5. Allie_pollman

    Nesting boxes too low

    So we just finished our first coop this morning! We used a couple different plans and used idea that would work with what he already had. But I’m concerned that my nesting boxes are too low. They are a few inches off the ground. We saw them in a plan and it worked best for our structure. But...
  6. Allie_pollman

    Puking cockerel?

    He has plenty of food, so idk why he was being such jerk.
  7. Allie_pollman

    Puking cockerel?

    Poor guy, I feel bad now for trying to correct him. But thank you for your input, much appreciated!
  8. Allie_pollman

    Puking cockerel?

    So I have a cockerel who was really guarding the feeder so I gently picked him up so the rest could eat. When I picked him up a decent amount. Of clear/cloudy fluid came from his mouth. He seems fine other wise. Still eating and drinking. Google is telling me sour crop. This is our first...
  9. Allie_pollman

    First coop build!

    Morning y’all! We have started building our coop! Since this is our first time with chickens we are working with what we got instead of purchasing a coop. We repurposed a permanent hunting blind my dad built for my disabled brother to hunt out of! It is 5x8. It’s taken some real TLC. But we are...
  10. Allie_pollman

    New chicken family

    I was wondering if he was going to be some sort of Wyandotte. He is beautiful and very sweet(at least for now!)After researching his features there’s only a few possibilities. He was gifted to us so we have no idea what he is. He came out of an online order of backyard mix. Thank you for your input!
  11. Allie_pollman

    New chicken family

    The two are what I believe are Roos but no idea on breed. The other is our son with the rest of them.
  12. Allie_pollman

    New chicken family

    Well what we bought and what we got seem to be different! 😂 supposed to be 2 starlight green Easter eggers, 1 isa brown, 1 RIR and 1 what I think is an austra white(might be a roo) and 1 roo, but we have no idea what he is. I will post a picture!
  13. Allie_pollman

    New chicken family

    Hey y’all. My family and myself are new chicken owners to six 9 week old chicks! Any and all random advice for newbies? XO
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