Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop

Very informative! Everything I needed to know. I've heard of deep litter, but not deep bedding. This is the answer to my dilemma!
This article is very informative and has answered several questions I had on daily coop maintenance. Living in the hot, humid south I will follow the suggestions in the article and let my nose guide me. At the present time my coop provides about twice the recommended amount of room per bird so I should be able to go a long time between full cleanings.

Articles like this are what makes BYC a popular place to learn.
Great article and the visuals helped me a lot.
I will probably continue with my hybrid system since I spot clean the coop while scooping the ”gifts” left by my 5 dogs.
i love that I can come beck to this when my schedule changes :)
Thank you for taking the time to write it.
Great explanation on deep bedding. Will link this article when noting the difference between deep bedding/litter. Wonderful job!
Thank you. I wanted to collect all the things I wished I'd known when I was getting started.
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