Top 10 Ways To Save On Feed Costs

Excellent list and great reading! The only thing I'd add to this, from personal experience, is to watch what your hens are actually eating if you use mixed grains or mix your own feed. If your hens are leaving a particular grain or other bit in the feeder until the last bit and only eating it when super hungry you may want to switch that out for something they will eat. Feed left in the bottom of the feeder will attract insects and pests and ruin all your good work at being frugal.
Very informative article with many great ideas for reducing feed costs.
:lol: Love that you're getting the information about fermentation and making your own feedout there! I myself have a whole shelf FULL of my own feed I made today, it's my 4th batch and it's working!!!!! Also am looking forward to that exellent picture of the no waste feeder!!!! :D thank you! Will be making one of those!
I'm so happy I found this article! I've been having problems with how much my flocks food is costing! Great info I will definitely be using to save on feed costs!
Good ideas here, I use all of them.
An excellent list of ways to save money on chicken feed! I use some of these methods myself, and they work well. It was also helpful how links were included for further reading, study, and help in this article.
Another way is to raise bfsl &/or meal worms. Other than a small set-up, which can be made from salvaged items, they're free. They can be fed live, until the bsfl go dormant, and if you raise enough, they can be frozen or dehydrated, for feeding overwinter. Lots of protein!
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I hadn’t heard of fermented feed before, interesting, I am only familiar with fodder comfrey, and custom mixes.
A great intro article with links to detailed articles on each of the ideas put forward. Very helpful. The pictures make it nice, as well, and are helpful, as with the chicken fodder/sprouts, to show those of use who have never seen it. Thank you!
Great article, I’m excited to try the fermentation process and sprouts. I’m sure my babies will love it. I love the idea of make their feed on my own, I will have lion and see if there are any places in my area that sell different grains. I will be planting sunflowers this year and looking at chicken friendly plants to grow and harvest for them to eat in the winter time. Thanks for an amazing article.
I found it very useful. Just one question should you give them food in a feeder or small amounts in the morning and evening.
This article was interesting and has encouraged me to learn to ferment chicken feed. Maybe my flock will learn not to hate me. :idunno
very interesting & helpful.
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A very interesting and useful article.
Exceptionally well done
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