To Insulate or Not to Insulate...

It’ always nice to get input from chicken keepers with more experience. Lots of great advice and plenty of details. Thanks!
Thanks for the list at the end. Easy to make a decision based on those criteria.
Love hearing about different experiments.
thanks for spelling it out
Great advice. I am worried the eggs might freeze and explode. If they start pecking the broken eggs the could develop a taste for them
It was interesting to read the results of your 3 winter experiment. I also like the recap at the bottom of the article. Overall, a well written article!
Great article , it’s a good read . I laughed ( didn’t cry), and learned a lot . We all have such different set ups and birds , there are no blanket statements in animal raising .... I like your summary at the end , kind of like the readers digest version of the article.

Good job
This is something that I have been debating on. I don't have severe winter's, but it does get quite wet and windy. This information is quite helpful and being based on actual observation is great. Thanks so much for contributing your experiences.
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