When u first think of having gamebirds such as quails…the first emotion of ur face once they had arrived is limitless joy…….
The quails are small flock birds weighing exactly about 80 to 300gm.Males are cinnamon or dark at upper portion of the breast and lower is having light brown shades.Female colour varies within different shades brown,timber and shades of black with impressive markings on the throat,upper breast and face.At 6 weeks females start laying and within 50 days starts full production on an average of almost 250-300 eggs each accurate year.Internationallythe consumption on Japanese quail eggs had been widely adopted by many countries and cultures. These amusingingly small varieties of eggs consists of a high nutritional supplement and is of course delicious!Having belonged to the order Galformes,family Phasidae,genus Coturnix and species Japanese. They have a wide varieties of species including:
Blue quails,mountain quauils,Californian quails,northern bobwhites,dwarfs etc.These species are stretched out towards Asia,Europe and Switzerland.

Several aspects account utility for this bird.These outstanding flocks deserve being pets and a better home due to being excessively low maintenance.These incredible birds never cease to bring enough joy…
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