Intro & Origins:
The Cayuga duck is a distinctive and attractive breed known for its striking dark coloring and versatility. Originating in the United States, specifically in Cayuga County, New York, this breed is named after the locality it was first recognized in. With its captivating appearance, hardiness, and usefulness, the Cayuga duck has become a popular choice for both backyard farmers and commercial duck operations.

Overall Appearance & Characteristics:
The most distinguishing feature of the Cayuga duck is its unique plumage. These ducks have dark iridescent feathers that range from black to a beautiful beetle green in color. The feathers shimmer with shades of purple and blue when exposed to sunlight, giving the Cayuga duck a truly stunning and eye-catching appearance. This dark coloration sets them apart from other domestic duck breeds and makes them highly sought after for their aesthetic appeal.

In terms of size, Cayuga ducks are considered to be medium to large in comparison to other duck breeds. They have a well-rounded and compact body shape, with males, known as drakes, typically weighing between 8-10 pounds (3.5-4.5 kg) and females, known as ducks, weighing around 6-8 pounds (2.5-3.5 kg). This size makes them a suitable choice for both meat production and egg-laying purposes.

Meat Production:
Cayuga ducks are dual-purpose birds, meaning they are bred and raised for both their meat and egg-laying abilities. When it comes to meat production, their dark plumage contributes to the tenderness and flavor of the meat, which is known for its rich taste and succulence. Their size allows for a good meat yield, making them an excellent choice for farmers looking for a duck breed that can provide high-quality meat.

Egg Production:
While Cayuga ducks are known for their meat production, they are also valued for their remarkable egg-laying capabilities. Cayuga ducks are known as excellent layers, with females laying an impressive number of eggs per year. On average, a Cayuga duck can lay between 100-150 eggs annually, depending on factors such as diet, lifestyle, and individual variations. These eggs have a black or dark gray shell color, which is unique and adds a touch of novelty to the poultry experience.

Overall Temperament:
In addition to their attractive appearance and practical uses, Cayuga ducks are highly regarded for their easy-going temperament and hardiness. They are known to be relatively calm and friendly birds, making them suitable for families or individuals looking for ducks with a docile nature. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in various climates, making them a popular choice for duck enthusiasts around the world.

Diet & Foraging
Cayuga ducks are also valued for their foraging abilities. They have a natural inclination to forage and can make use of a wide range of food sources, including insects, slugs, worms, and plants. This natural foraging behavior not only helps to supplement their diet but also promotes overall health and vitality. Additionally, their foraging abilities make them useful in pest control in gardens and agricultural settings.

Overall Popularity:
The popularity of the Cayuga duck extends beyond its homeland in the United States, with breeders and enthusiasts in various countries appreciating and promoting the breed. They are especially well-suited to wet and marshy areas due to their adaptation to water and their ability to thrive in aquatic environments. Their hardiness and resistance to diseases and common ailments make them an attractive choice for both novice and experienced duck keepers.