The Benefits of Keeping Chickens for Fertilizer and Pest Control

Great resource and well written
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Nicely written article and very educational. The article covered both the benefits of keeping chickens for fertilizer and pest control. The article also gave some simple tips on keeping chickens. At the end of the article, the author left some nice links on how to use chicken fertilizer and how to protect them from predators.
One thing the article did say, that I'm not sure of, is it said that chickens can help in managing mice and rats. Yes, I've known mine to even eat a mouse, but rats are a common problem people have with chickens attracting, not managing.
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Nicely written. Good info. Links are very helpful.
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Nice concise article highlighting the many benefits of chicken-keeping! Great links to additional articles
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Informative discussion on additional benefits of keeping a backyard flock. The inclusion of other links for a deeper dive into the topics is also a great way to encourage folks to learn more.
Nice article on the benefits of keeping chickens for the fertilizer and bug control. Well done!
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