Raising The Young Guinea - 6 weeks to 3 months old

A very great article of the young Guinea. It's very detailed on what to expect with your Guineas during this stage of their lives and had some helpful tips on the best way to care for them at this age.
A nice verbal overview but really needs more information about how to create an appropriate setup -- space needs, shelter needs, etc. -- especially insofar as their needs differ from chickens' needs. :)
Very good basic info on where to keep guinea hens by age group and good references for coop, behavior, keeping them safe, and items I needed to know but didn’t think to ask. Short and sweet!
As I’m not a guinea keeper I found this article helpful for the basics.
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Very Helpful!
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Good general info about young guineas.
More pictures would be useful, such as coop and run setup, close ups of described wattles.
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