Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons

Yup! I like this article too!
Hardware cloth and tamper resistant latches are first and foremost!
This is a comprehensive and easy to understand article about raccoons and how to keep them away from chickens.

I appreciate the mention of them being active in daylight, as I've dealt with a raccoon visit in the middle of the day. It didn't attack any of my birds, thankfully, as I had them closed up in their run. It is definitely a good thing to be aware that their behavior may not always follow the typical pattern.

Thank you for sharing!
Well Written article about raccoons and poutry
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Great information. I would add, however, that in my experience, flashing lights and noise have done absolutely nothing to deter the nightly visits I get from the racoons. Fortunately, I built my coop like Fort Knox, so the only animal that could get in would be a bear.

In any event, they are worthy of respect, and we all need to be mindful of their craftiness.
Excellent article! I like the paw print images used to help people identify them.
Just curious I started to read the article about racoons (wasbeer in Dutch). Thought: "happy we don't have them around here" .

But Germany is close and digging the internet I found they are a threat in the nearby future here as wel.
Thanks for the warning and info.
Raccoons are one of the toughest chicken predators to deal with. This article has good details about most of the problems they cause, and how to prevent them. Everyone who keeps chickens in raccoon country would do well to read this article, and to follow the advice in it.
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Nice read for getting to know about raccoons. Good track picture.
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