We started this project in April. We have had the best time building this coop. I say we, but I built nothing. I just gave my input on everything I could. My boyfriend did all of the fabulous construction. He is not a carpenter by trade. We used alot of recycled materials. His Mother and Grandmother( 100 years old) both passed last year. We know that they would have love this. The entire deck was the wheelchair ramp used for his grandmother. The coop door was from her closet. The lightening rods on the top were on his old family home before we put a new roof on it 3 years ago. Couldn't find the glass pieces for them so he used bocce balls that he drilled hole in for looks. The rocking chair on the porch was his mothers. It was old and weathered .He glued it all back and if you look close he used a woodburner and burnt 6 little chicks on the chair back. The creative juices just kept on flowing. Our home town was building a new Dairy Queen and I did quite a bit of dumpster diving for materials. The cedar shingles, pieces of conduit for the inside electric, insulation for inside the coop, and much more. A farm friend of his donated the barn tin and it goes on and on, I could talk for days about this coop. It has turned into almost an obsession. So have my chickens. I love them. Decorating the coop has been as much fun for him as for me. We started antiquing for some things and farm stores for others. It seems like we cannot find a stopping point. LOL We have devoted out entire spring and summer to this coop. No camping yet this year, not fishing, just coop building. Well, I think we have finished, for now. Out of the 6 chicks I bought in March, I have 5 girls 4 of which are laying and 1 roo, (mean) I think the only thing left is to get a few more and share our beautiful coop with as many lucky chickens as possible. Thanks for taking a look at it!!!!!