Naming Your Chickens--When Your Chicks Arrive


Having chickens is a fun experience that everyone loves. However, we have chickens for different reasons. Some people have them as pets, for meat, or for eggs, etc.
I've read articles here on BYC that were extraordinarily helpful. Whenever I read those types of articles, I think to myself, I could never write an article so detailed like that. If I do, it probably wouldn't help anyone.
This article is a little bit unnecessary. It's about naming your chickens.
Some people name their chickens. Some don't, some don't care about that. Chicken owning has a lot of different types of people involved. If you're looking for a name for your chicks, dig right in!

Picking Out A Breed
So, a name can depend on the breed of chicken you have. For example, I'm getting 2 Buff Orpingtons and I am planning to name them Peach and Sunny after their golden coloring. Think of what name suits your chicken's coloring. HOLD ON! You don't have to name your chicken purely because of it's plumage coloring... there are way more options!

Getting Your Chicks
Here's another option--naming your chicken after how you got them! If your chick is a lucky survivor of some sort of incident that happened along the way to your post office, it could be named Lucky. One of my friends have a family dog that she got because she made it to her Water Polo Travel Team, so she named it Polo. If there was no special way on how you got them, then... read on!

All chickens have their own quirks, whether you care or not. Why not name your little chicks right after their personality traits? Here are a few suggestions!
STRONG: Ekon, Maximus or Max
GENTLE: Clementine, Debby, Poppy, Daisy
FUNNY: Kiki(short for Kekiokolanee), Gilly
You think of some!

After Your Favorite Shows And Characters
Why not name your chicks after some of your favorite Disney characters, Broadway shows, or book characters?
Here are some creative names found from the internet:
Snow White

Any Potterheads out there?!:

With Humor!
I love being funny, watching comedies, I have funny friends, I speak the language of humor... If you're a humorous person, why not name your chicks a funny name? Here are some suggestions:
Albert Eggstein
Chicken Little
Yolko Ono

Of course, you can always name your chicken a classic name or a random one, this article was just to help. Hope this article helped a little and


About author
I'm all about animals! I'm living with 2 turtles in NYS and a flock of 7 BOs. :)
I love studying poultry and animals!

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These are great ways to name your chicks/chickens! We went a different route. When we got our first 6 hens (3 different breeds), I named them using our first name initials and our last (D,B & R). So my Rhode Island Reds are Babz & Bettie, my Dominiques are Daizy & Dixie, and our Buff Orpingtons are Rosie & Reba.

With our new chicks, I used a letter from the breed name (and hopefully we really ended up with pullets like we ordered). My Wyandottes are Wilhemina, Winnifred, and Wynona, the Golden Campines are Calliope and Clementine, and the Light Brown Leghorns are Lolly and Lovey. That way if I add to those 6 breeds that we have now, I can just add more names with those starting letters in the future. Since the babies still all look too much alike, I may need to mark them when I actually put a name to a chick. Can't wait to watch them grow into their own little personalities!

Again, great article with good ideas.
Very well-written and helpful article. Made me think about the names I chose for my girls. Thanks!
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Great ideas! I got 28 chickens last month, 7 this month and 15 more on the way next month, with names all over the board. A lot of my older girls are named after herbs, trees and flowers (Olive, Rowan, Apple Blossom, Poppy, Daisy, Buttercup, Juniper, Basil, Rosemary...). I also went on an older and strong lady name kick (Mable, Delilah, Clementine, Oprah). With some of my newest, I picked more classic names from their origin for some. For example Dutch names for my Barnevelders. Now I'm on a Viking name kick after discovering my heritage. Some are named after personality or other traits (Scruff, Lyric because she's LOUD, Mystery because I didn't know what she was at first, Aura because she's blue and beautiful). I have 3 more without names so love your ideas as I'm at a loss. (I might have too many chickens. ☺)
Great ideas! I got 28 chickens last month, 7 this month and 15 more on the way next month, with names all over the board. A lot of my older girls are named after herbs, trees and flowers (Olive, Rowan, Apple Blossom, Poppy, Daisy, Buttercup, Juniper, Basil, Rosemary...). I also went on an older and strong lady name kick (Mable, Delilah, Clementine, Oprah). With some of my newest, I picked more classic names from their origin for some. For example Dutch names for my Barnevelders. Now I'm on a Viking name kick after discovering my heritage. Some are named after personality or other traits (Scruff, Lyric because she's LOUD, Mystery because I didn't know what she was at first, Aura because she's blue and beautiful). I have 3 more without names so love your ideas as I'm at a loss. (I might have too many chickens. ☺)
Awesome names!

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