My Coop Design With Plans

Good article! Excellent step-by-step pictures and text ... and a really nice finished product. The addition of the run extension, complete with pics and plans, is a great bonus.
It looks like a very good design, especially with the run extension. I had a little trouble following the directions. For example, all of a sudden there was a floor installed, without any explanation on how to do that. If you are handy with building, I'm sure it would be easy but for me, it would have left me challenged. Also, more pictures of details would have helped, like seeing a close up of the inside of the nesting boxes. Having said that, I expect I could give these directions to my husband and he could figure it all out with ease.
Nice easy project for a few chickens. The plans are appreciated, unfortunately many picture links are broken. I’m curious as to how this has held up over time.
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