Hello and welcome to my flock My flock consists of 3 roosters, 3 laying hens, 6 41/2 week old chicks and 3 ducks. We don't use our chickens and ducks for meat but we like to get eggs from them and they are so calm. They are just like having a dog without the hair, maintenance and having to give them attention all the time.When the chicks start laying we should be a mix of brown with green, blue, yellow or pink ones.


This is Spot. We got her around Christmas as a Christmas present. She is a mix of RIR, Australorp and a mystery chicken. She hasn't laid yet but we are expecting a egg sometime in May and it should be colored brown.

This is Creamer (we call him Boyo). He is a Golden Sex link from the
rooster free bin at our feed store. We thought he was going to be white
but then he got gold feathers and brown spots on his back. He is the
second calmest and 1 of the friendliest.

This is Pigeon (or Pigi). We got her last summer as a rescue hen. She had gotten cornered and attacked by dogs and her whole left side under her wing was striped of skin and chunks of meat were gone. The owners thought she wasn't going to make it so they gave her to us to try to give her a chance to live. Well we got her and fixed her up and now you cant even tell she was attacked. She is a Easter Egger and lays blue/green eggs 3-5 times a week in the summer.

This is Puff. She is a (non bearded) Buff Laced Polish. This winter we have a raccoon that attacked the hens killing 3 and leaving poor puff with the front of her tore opened. She was so hurt that you could see
the bones inside her and she was just standing in her pen suffering waiting to die
. Well it was hard but after 3-4 months of taking care of infection, weakness and rotting flesh she was able to go out with pigeon
with just a scare and she started to lay eggs again
. She lays medium sized white eggs about 3-5 times a week. She is a trouble maker though and if you don't watch her when it's wet outside she will play in the mud and make a BIG mess.

This is my chicken and my favorite of the bunch Coffee Bean
. He is the calmest, friendliest and funnest of the group and is a great chicken model. He is a Plymouth Bard Rock and is almost as big as a small turkey. I guess we've been feeding him to much
. He loves to come up to the fence to say hi and see if he gets a treat. His favorite but rare foods are cinnamon roll, donut and cheese stick and he will lick your fingers if you have cake frosting (or something sweet) on them


This is Lily, Sunshine and Daffodil. They are happy and very energetic ducks that love to swim. They don't like to be separated and when separated will make the cutest rubber ducky squeak you could imagine! When they were little and we put them on the play mat (plastic table cloth) they would run as fast as they could across the mat in circles making this piter pater on the mat as they ran. We called it turbo duck.


This is Esther, Sprinkle, Checkers,Parrot,Joy and Hope. They where born on Palm Sunday. Hope (the gray and white one)is a Easter Egger that when she is laying should lay a variety of colors.She is the calmest chick and if you pick her up and move her around fast she'll just sit there and look at you
Esther is like Hope but with lots more energy and she is brown with black. Joy, Checkers, Sprinkle and Parrot are Australorps and when old enough should lay brown eggs almost every day. They are very adventurous and love to play outside on the grass. This summer we are going to take Joy, Parrot and Lily duck to the state fair


Recently we have had a mystery person sabotaging our chickens
. They have let our chickens out twice, ripped the door off the hen house and most recently Got poor Creamer in the head with a BB gun. We are trying to find out who is doing it but until then we are just trying to keep our chickens safe

