After a few weeks of continuously raining out, I have encountered my 1st chicken (Mrs. Wanda Wonka, our lucky golden laced wyandotte) with Bumblefoot.
Here was my series of action....
1st, I wrapped her in a towel to keep her from flapping her wings.
2nd, filled bathroom sink with warm water and soaked her feet for about 10-15mins while using my gloved finger nail to message and scrap at the edges of the hard dark scab.
3rd, I flapped her on her back to a baby cradle position in my arms (as I was alone to do this. I worked the scabs off her feet (like peeling a sticker off a table). They ripped right off, though they were still slightly hard. She didn't even flinch. The cotton balls I had handy caught the running blood and she currled her toes, just enough to hold the cotton balls in place while I got the "Vetericyn" spray bottle in hand. I sprayed and cleaned the blood off until it stopped bleeding.
5th, I used the paste "Fur a-Zone" to fill in the holes left on her feet. This was a fantastic infection paste I used on another chicken that ripped her side open, it cleared her up extremely fast (less than a week, she had new skin growing in, even thou she would dust bathe and fill the paste full of dirt).
6th, I used dot size waterproof bandaids to cover the holes.
7th, I didn't have vet wrap tape, so I used cloth like 1/4inch medical tape to hold the bandaid in place. I had the layover at the bottom of the foot, hopfully preventing her from easy access to removing it. I used 1/4 inch medical tape because it fits nicely between the toes without crushing her toes together and making it uncomfortable.
8th, she is in my hospital playpen with dry bedding, a nest box, "rooster booster" vitamins in her water for stress, and her regular feed with chick grit and crushed oyster shells. I sprinkled some scratch on the floor as well.
I will check her feet daily and keep antibiotic on the wrapped foot, until healed.