My interest in housing chickens started after receiving a chicken coop building book as a gift. I chose the "How the Chicken Crossed the Road" coop design, and began assembling it in my garage. My coop is mostly identical to the design presented in the text, but with a few modifications and additions. I added raised wooden anchors to the window coverings, and "Fresh Eggs" lettering to the nest box access. I also added a nice weathervane to the roof.

Following construction I caulked the inside of the coop before priming and painting (inside and out). I selected Heritage Red (main) and Vanilla Ice Cream (exterior trim, interior) for the paint. I chose to install 1/2" hardware cloth over the window openings, as opposed to chicken wire, and all hardware is brass.

Just a bit more leveling work, and the addition of a run, and we should be all set.

Very fun build! Chicks are in the brooder, and will be in the coop in about a month or so...!