This is a nice way to use up extra egg yolks and stay away from dairy and gluten allergies. I love the erythritol option because it doesn’t raise your blood sugar making this a sugar free dessert.


Preheat oven to 325 degrees


2 Tbl. Vanilla
1 3/4 cup Dairy Free Half and Half
10 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup Erythritol (powdered) You can add more sweetener if you prefer a sweeter dish.
2 Tbl. Erythritol (powdered)
4 to 5 small ramekins
1 glass baking dish to put ramekins in

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In a glass bowl, add the vanilla, half and half, and egg yolks and whip really well with a fork. The erythritol needs to be powdered. I put mine in a coffee grinder to get it to powdered form. Add the 1/2 cup of powdered erythritol to the rest of the ingredients and whip well until combined. You will have to cook this recipe in a water bath. I use a glass baking dish filled about half way with water. Fill the ramekins as full as you want. Place the ramekins in the water bath (I use hot tap water) and put in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes. When they brown nicely on the top, they are ready to take out of the oven. Take out of oven and remove ramekins from the water bath. Now you can sprinkle all of them with the remaining 2 Tbl. erythritol. In my opinion, this tastes better served cold. Cover and place in refrigerator until chilled. Enjoy.

On another note... my beautiful chicken quilt (see picture) came from Russia back when it was still the USSR. It was given to me by my dear friend Yvonne who lived in Russia many years ago. You are seeing a small portion of the quilt.