Looking to buy an incubator, check this out first!

Overall good article….could use more pictures of it set-up and in use
Nice article with a good overview of LG incubators, discussing the pros and cons. I would say one of the best pros is the price tag.

The old LG that was my first incubator had a heating element that was just a hot piece of metal, totally exposed, going around the top. I can't tell you how many times I burned myself on that thing! It's cool to see how far it has come since then.

I just bought a new one to have as an emergency hatcher since my big incubator had emus in it, and my Nurture Right had quail in it. I had to buy a fan kit separately and install it, and even with the fan it it has cold spots. I think I'll still stick mostly to my Nurture Right as a hatcher, but it's good to have the LG as a backup.
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your feedback and share 🤗

Yes, I've read about the previous still air incubators with the deadly heating element on top. Seems like you'd need a license to operate that thing!
A solid article about the LG. It could use some grammatical corrections as well as more photos, including images of it in action and some photos of your successful hatches.
Overall a great article about using this brand of incubator. I would feel more comfortable using this unit after reading this article. There was a few grammatical errors in the article. I would have also loved a few more pictures of the incubator in use, and pictures showing the moving parts. Great article.
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