Hi everyone! My name is Kelsey. I LOVE animals! I live with my mom, my dad, and my 2 brothers. I/we have a bunch of pets.I have a parakeet named Buffy, a rabbit named Beanie, some guppies (8 to be exact and I am hoping they have baby fish haha lol), and we have a cat named Mittens. And we used to have a dog named Bailey but we put him down Wednesday, July 1st, 2009. I miss him sooooooooo much! :( But at least he's happy and free in dog heaven. :) Bailey was 13 yrs old. R.I.P Bailey I love my current pets but I miss Bailey.
Update: 1/20/10 EST Buffy has since passed away a few monthes ago R.I.P Buffy and one fish has also passed a few monthes ago (after Buffy though). so R.I.P Buffy and fishy. Also now on a happier note, 3 fish are definately pregnant it's just a matter of when they have them.