Jj Hen Hut

I love this coop build, and love all of your documentation and photos. The coop is very secure (love the buried hardware cloth 'moat', thoughtful latches to keep clever raccoons out, and more hardware cloth everywhere!) and the run is tall enough to walk in... something I personally found important for interacting with the birds, cleaning, etc. I also love all the vents. This small coop has it all if you live in an area with predators and just want to keep a few birds. Very well done!
Great job on this coop with storage and run
Great details and pictures!
This is an excellent article on an equally excellent coop design! The coop has everything needed for chickens , from lots of ventilation to rain-proofing to a storage area perfectly sized for a bale of bedding and five gallon buckets. The design is well thought out and includes pictures of a simple but efficient watering system and an easy-to-use home made feeder. Pictures are very inclusive, showing various stages of the build and close-ups of important details ... even some planning sketches. There are also thoughtfully added notes on adapting the coop as chicks grow into pullets and eventually start laying. And it doesn't hurt that is placed so perfectly into an existing arbor in the owner's yard. It will weather beautifully and blend right into the scenery. The Jj Hen Hut should stand the test of time - both for practicality and aesthetic appeal. Well Done - on both the coop and the article!
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