How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with

Very informative and clear explanations as to identifying various crop issues, & how to treat them.
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Thanks so much for all the great info! I have a 5 month old BBB girl turkey with a pendulous crop, so I've been researching & trying the least impactful recommendations.
This is an informative article on crop issues - not just for when you have an emergency - but to educate every chickenkeeper on what can happen, what to look for, how they differ and how to treat each one.
We are lucky to have @azygous here - a great asset in our community. I have learned so much from her and am a better chickenkeeper for it.
I'm currently treating a hen with an impacted crop. I think that she may have underlying issues, but this article has helped me a ton in trying to give her some relief. Thank you so much for sharing!
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Thank you very helpful
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Exactly what i have been looking for !!!
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Very helpful and informative article
Loved this article. Soo well done! One question I have through is what is the "crop drain"? The grains and food I feel in my chicken's crop, do they need to be placed in like a corner of the crop, near the "crop drain"? Like how will the massaging get rid of the food in her crop?
Thank you!!
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Excellent read.
Loved it
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Excellent article on how to deal with crop issues.
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Incredibly informative!!
My hen suddenly had a crop full of fluid. I made the mistake of following the inversion advice and inverted her 3 times over 24 hours. Each time making her weaker and weaker. I took her to the UGA ER, which is costly just to be told to euthanize or an expense workup and CT scan. Not sure why they can’t to a simple X-ray to see what’s what inside. There are no exotic vets in my area can you believe that? I asked if I could take her home. They agreed. Said they’d give her fluids and send me with antibiotics. She’s been pretty sick before and has pulled through. But this might be the worst. Her comb color is still good. I’m will to do whatever. Can some one help me?
Wish I had read this a while ago. Thanks for a great article. Bookmarking!
Excellent article for treating crop issues
Great info!
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Thanks for this. It was very helpful and I tried helping my hen who had sour crop with miconazole. But she had a reproductive issue and died anyway. It's still something to keep in mind.

Also I had a turkey who had problems with pendulous crop. She wore a crop bra for a while, but it never seemed to pull it tight enough. We decided to cull her in the end because her crop was always so full and she was a BBW, a bird destined for the table anyway. In all honesty we probably should've done it sooner because of the nature of that breed, but that was in the beginning of my poultry keeping experience.
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Thank you!

Maybe I missed this in the readin, but if she has a sour crop, should I try to empty it first? When I gave her coconut oil she immediately “threw it up” or overflowed as you said so I think it’s pretty full.
Thanks so very for this informative article. I appreciate your help and time.
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Great article, @azygous, thanks! I have bookmarked it/saved to my favorites so I can access it again quickly if/when I ever need it. Thanks so much to you and the other BYC experts who are so willing to share your knowledge, experience and expertise with newbies, rank beginners, and folks like me, who have had chickens for years but have been bumbling our way around in a fog of ignorance because we just didn't know what we didn't know! Our chickens thank you!
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