Hopewell Township Pennsylvania Chicken Ordinance

This is actually incorrect, as of Jan 2022. The contact is still correct (and was helpful), but I do live in R1 residential/agricultural zone but was told that "chickens" aren't explicitly approved in the ordinance, only farm pets in general. So, as long as no one complaints, I'll be fine, but if someone were to complain, then it would be possible I'd be told I had 30 days to get rid of them. So, they're not explicitly not allowed, but they won't say they're allowed, either.

The zoning map links don't work- here is an updated one: https://www.hopewelltwp.com/DocumentCenter/View/173/Zoning-Map-PDF

I'm right in R1 which is residential/agricultural but don't live on 10 acres, I only have about 0.8. So, chicken ownership is risky here, until we get an update to the ordinance, which I'll be looking into.
A must read before you even think about buying your chicks!
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