Hatching chicks at home can either be fun, confusing, or just plain hard work!
I chose a soft, comfy nest and placed some eggs I thought were fertilized, once I had done that, Chickens started to lay more in the nest, and become broody. Don't worry when the broody hen goes for a drink and leaves the nest, The mother knows best!

When the first baby chick hatches, I would maybe wait for one more day, then get a cardboard box, put shavings, hay, etc., cut a flap in the front of the cardboard box, and place it in the coop so that your chicks and broody hen can go in and out! You don't have to close the flap because the broody hen will protect them from the other chickens. :thumbsup I like to make my articles simple and small, yet you learn something.

After the chicks have hatched, you can let them free-range outside with their mom, eating grass, flowers, etc.!
If they still have a small yolk sack when they come out of the egg, let it absorb, and it'll be fine. Don't stress, let nature do its work! I hatched seven chicks out of twelve. I marked my eggs once I knew that they were fertilized, I shined the eggs from under them with a flashlight and it worked all right!

My broody hen is a barred Plymouth rock chicken, and very motherly.

I hope this helps those who are hatching chickens and ducks! View attachment 3507929