Feedstorechicks Mini Coop

Wow! Having the skids wrap around the coop is an ingenious idea! I've been months trying to figure out how to attach my coop to my tractor (mobile AND predator proof! )Thanks for sharing your plans and photos! They're both a tremendous help ! Soon as cold weather breaks I'm going to get started making a hoop house!
Interesting idea to make the houses so they will slide away from or tight against the runs. Good pictures and good explanation.
Nice article! I personally like to see materials used in a list form but that's just me.
The welded wire would allow rodents and snakes access to the chicks, and raccoons will simply stick a paw in and drag a chick out or just eat it through the wire. In my experience.:hit
Overall, I think safety is enough of an issue that the plan needs tweaking by the addition of hardware cloth over the welded wire. Of course it needs to be fastened down within an inch of it's life, but the great thing about the plan is the base to attach to.
I like the "hoop house" cover over the coop.
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