
This recipe is easy, and makes about 2 servings (each serving being about 2-3 cups). I modified this recipe, from here. This is for a smaller portions.

I know that 1/2 tBs is not a measurement, just eyeball it.

3-4 cups of fresh cherry/currant tomatoes
1/2 tbs dried/fresh oregano
1/2 tbs dried/fresh basil
A large pinch of salt
A large pinch of ground black pepper
1 tbs balsamic vinegar
2 cloves minced garlic
3 tbs olive oil ----- and another 1 tbs for the pan
1/2 package of your favorite pasta-- or whatever pasta you have laying around
Grated Parmesan cheese

1) Preheat oven to 450
2) Wash tomatoes and remove stems
3) Cut tomatoes in half, and mince garlic
4) Add tomatoes and garlic into a bowl.
5) Add to that bowl the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, oregano, basil, pepper and salt
6) Spread the 1 tbs of olive oil on a pan (you can use a roasting pan or any kind of pan that has sides). Then add on the mixture
7) Put in oven for 8-10 minutes (longer if you want charred tomatoes)
8) While the tomatoes are cooking, start boiling a pot of water for your pasta (salt the water if you would like- I personally don't)
9) Start cooking pasta- cook for as long as you would like, or until al dente. ****RESERVE 1 TBS PASTA WATER!!!!!!*****
10) Lightly rinse off pasta- get the starch off, but keep the pasta warm.
11) By now, the tomatoes should be out of the oven. In a large bowl, add pasta water, tomatoes (and pan drippings!!!) and pasta. Mix until combined
12) Enjoy! Top with the suggested toppings if you would like

***Sorry about the messy plate pic
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