Coop Build 1

Very good article. Just old.
This turned out great despite the constraints of sloping land and beginner's skills. Good pictures and good explanation. Where did you end up putting the feeders and inside stuff?
I like your tips about using a brace and a 2x4 to help guide so that you get straight cuts. I also like the tip about drilling holes around the door and windows so when you flip it over you know right where to cut!
It looks like you used some chicken wire on your run and it also looks (but I could be wrong) like the wire does not go all the way to the top on the run. How has that worked out for you? Have you had any day time predators scale the wire wall and get into the run?

Thanks for sharing your coop and ideas with us.
I really like how you mention things that you would do differently, at the end of the article!
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