Comparison Of Breeds And Ages Of Chickens For Meat

Looks like a few pictures are broken.
Good comparison of hybrid cross meat birds to all purpose and bantams. A lot of new folks seem to not have a clue about the differences in body type, or time to harvest a nice size bird from the different types. The author mentions the very short time to harvest large breasted Cornish crosses(8 weeks) as compared to the all purpose variety at a much older age.
Difference between dual purpose breeds and Cornish cross
While this has some helpful info and pictures, the title was misleading. I clicked thinking I would see a little more info on various meat birds comparing them at the same age with weights for info.
I have been looking for growth charts that show the average weights for other types of chickens besides broilers. I was hoping this article would have some side by side data with weight comparisons. Your photos are really nice though.
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