We sure have read about egg issues that sometimes happen when our hen lays an egg. Sometimes though we sound a false alarm. Here's some examples of when chicken moms ( and dads ) get a little too worried.
When Eggs are Bigger than Normal
Sometimes eggs are too big and what causes them varies. Normally not a problem, but sometimes there's an extra surprise inside. Two ( sometimes even three yolks )!
Here's a picture from @The Welch Chickens of what could be in store! That doesn't mean all big eggs are double yolks. Not at all. Sometimes big eggs just happen and there's nothing special.

But what exactly causes double yolks? It's more commonly seen in young hens when their egg production is off and there bodies aren't really used to laying eggs. It's nothing to worry about, just enjoy the surprise!

When Eggs are Smaller than Normal

When eggs are smaller than normal - they could be a pullets first egg. This is great news because your little girl started laying eggs! Hoary! It couldn't be more of the best news. I just got my Midnight Majesty Marans pullet eggs 3 days ago! I can already tell that they are getting darker. Don't worry if there's a bit of blood on them. That's just the girls fluffy butts getting used to laying eggs.
A extra special thanks to the @The Welch Chickens for supply the images that I needed for my article. I didn't have any and thanks so much again!