Common egg quality problems

  • Author sumi
  • Publish date
  • Updated
  • Article read time 11 min read
Very informative article for anyone searching for answers about problems they find in their eggs or is interested in learning more about egg issues.
So glad this article was here. I collected my first egg fart. Wasn't sure what it was all about.
Thank you
Great informative article to people who are looking to research common and uncommon egg deformities in the Backyard Flock.
I love coming to this article when I get an unusual egg!
very helpful i have gotten 2 of these before & i loved knowing what might have happened ? ?
This explains the occasional weird egg I get. Very informative
Very helpful and descriptive!
Wow, very helpful information. Understandable descriptions with pictures helped me so much. Thanks again
What an amazing article from an even more amazing member! Rest In Peace, Sumi...❤️
A very comprehensive article about common egg quality issues! - I say issues, not problems, because most of the eggs with issues are still edible and should not be discarded. I don't mind if my scrambled egg came oud of a shell with some additional calcium pimples, for example.
This article applies also to ducks and their eggs, have seen many of the issues with my laying ducks in the past too.
How do we stop these egg problems from happening...mine have been laying shell less eggs since last fall, not that they lay many, maybe two or three a month. They get calcium, roosters booster and I give them nutri-drench twice a week in a bowl of veggies. I only have five ducks right now and would like to get some chickens but want to wait until I know what I’m doing wrong with theses girls first. I’m positive they don’t have parasites or worms too.
VERY Informative and helpful for a newbie like me. As I have my first flock now of NH Reds.
Excellent article, well written with great photos. The only thing I see missing from the article is which of these eggs can be consumed and which ones must be discarded.
I have often wondered about this and it is so helpful to finally have insight into causes so I can correct it.
I’m actually saving this article is so informative and answered questions and provided information that was to the point and useful!
Excellent! Very complete.
This is so helpful. Most of these I have never seen except calcium deposits and the occasional double yolk. Who knew!
This is really useful information as have a chuck with weird eggs has really helped try to understand why, also explained the one hen that always seems to lay egg with ridges thank u
Great information! I’ve often wondered about misshapen eggs and the speckled eggs I sometimes get. Thanks so much!
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