Fluffy Butt Acres: A Primer

As my thread has become longer and longer and newcomers have wished to join, many have requested a way to catch up without reading over 9,000 pages of posts. Therefore, I have decided to create a quick article to which I can point people and that I can then keep updated.

Special Days
One of the things we do on the Fluffy Butt Acres thread is to dedicate days of the week to sharing photos of our beloved chickens, and other pets. Here is the current schedule of photos.
  • Monday is Mugs Monday. Share with everyone pictures of your chicken’s face as close up as possible
  • Tuesday is Two-for-Tuesday. Share with everyone pictures with two chickens in them
  • Wednesday is Ask Aurora day. On Wednesday Aurora answers questions from other chickens
  • Thursday is Thirsty Thursday. Share with everyone pictures or videos of your chickens drinking
  • Friday is the holiest of days at Fluffy Butt Acres. It is Fluffy Butt Friday! Share with everyone pictures of your fluffiest bottoms
  • Sunday is Pony Sunday. On Sunday our friends with Horses (and goats) share photos with all of us so we can truly appreciate their majesty.
Tax Payments
The thread has a tendency to wander off topic from time to time (the topic is chickens by the way) so I have instituted a tax system to bring us to back to why we are here. Anytime you post something off the topic of chickens, you need to post a chicken picture along with it. If you do not, you run the risk of falling a’fowl of the tax police and will likely be called out by another poster, if not me personally.

I do want to make a special note here. The thread is a supportive space for people from all around the world. It is my intention to keep it that way. Please do not bring in politics or other divisive issues. This is a place to try and escape the world and its problems. We also need to be aware of the fact that there are some young people who participate on the thread. There is no place for off-color comments, rudeness, or innuendos of any kind.

That brings us to SHRA Tax. This is a special tax. SHRA stands for Should Have Read Ahead. This tax is due when you answer a question which someone else already has or in general repeat a comment that someone else has already made in response to a post. SHRA Tax payments require the presence of more than 1 chicken in the photo.

The chickens on FBA all communicate via their social media site, Beakbook. If you ever see your chicken at your computer be concerned. Like this time I caught Lilly and Tsuki hatching their plans for world domination.


Unionized Chickens
Many tribes of chickens have chosen to unionize. On this thread @RoyalChick hens joined the IFLC or International Federation of Labouring Chickens. There has only been one strike so far but the contact is a sticky one and the princesses are prone to file grievances.

History of Fluffy Butt Acres
There are several posts where I outline the early history of Fluffy Butt Acres (FBA). I am linking to them below.

My Personal History with Chickens


How we got the first chickens, the coop, etc.




The Story of Elphie

Elphie’s Time

The Story of Daisy, The Greatest Hen Ever

Daisy meets Elphie

Patsy & Lilly come to Fluffy Butt Acres

Those will give you the early foundation. Let me quickly take you through the characters that have resided at Fluffy Butt Acres and whom you may hear mentioned by us old-timers on the thread.

The Big Three
I sometimes refer to these three hens, Daisy, Patsy, and Lilly, as a group, The Big Three. They are the foundation of our tribe and really were the heart and soul of everything that has occurred since.

Daisy, The Greatest Hen Ever
She was the best of all the chickens we have had. Her story is in the links above.

2016-06-05 19.11.04 (1).jpg

Patsy was the Alpha hen when I started this thread. Her passing was very sad for me personally as she passed in my arms. Patsy was a tough lady who did not like the one rooster we had here at FBA, Jabberwocky and would often fight with him. She won every time.


Lilly, The Iron Beak
Lilly was such a special chicken in so many ways. She became alpha hen when Patsy passed away. Her reign was long and illustrious. Lilly is famous for many things. Her first nickname was “The Spare Chicken” because got her in case something would happen to the other two. We were tired of rapidly looking for another chicken to replace one we had lost because we only had two and did not wish for one to be alone for long. So, when we got Patsy, we also got Lilly as a spare.

Lilly was also known as “The Thanksgiving Chicken”. She got this nickname by once running down the length of the Thanksgiving table. You can read that story here.


In the end Lilly is most famous for being “The Iron Beak”. She made it her purpose in life to chase every new pullet devising new and sneaky ways to surprise and frighten them.

Lilly lived to at least 7 making her the longest-lived resident at FBA


Jabberwockey or Jabber
Jabber was the only mature rooster to ever reside at FBA. He was an Easter Egger. He was miss-sexed as a chick and grew up as Hattie’s brother. We tried to keep him but the neighbor complained about his crowing, which he did at ALL hours including 3:00 am. He was complete jerk but I also did know enough about roosters at the time to be able to reach an accommodation with him. Sadly, he had to move on after the complaint.

Is a Lavender Orpington and is currently the oldest resident at FBA. She is 4 years old. She has a super sweet disposition.


Maleficent was an Easter Egger and the closest hen to date to my dearly missed Daisy. Maleficent was a very special lady. She was fascinated with me from the start. She was also the first hen at FBA to ever go broody. Sadly, it was in October and it was simply too late in the year for chicks. She was taken from us all too early by a suspected weasel.


Aurora is an Easter Egger and came to us at the same time as Maleficent. Why Maleficent was super friendly, Aurora is untouchable. Aurora has taken over from Lilly as the Alpha hen. She is super motivated by food and tries to dominate all others when treats are distributed. Aurora is about 3.5 years old right now.


Phyllis is our first Polish hen and a complete darling. She had led to multiple other polish joining our tribe. Phyllis is just over 2.5 years old.


Sydney is a Barred Rock and the only hen to go broody and hatch chicks at FBA. Her chicks became Ned and Lucky. She is approaching 3 years old.


Sansa had much of the same personality as Lilly and they hit it off from Day 1. They were fast friends and did everything together. Sansa liked to peck me on the leg while I would sit in my chair and I would sneak her walnuts. Sadly, she passed away before she even turned 2 from something that kept her feathers from growing back properly after her molt. Lilly passed away shortly thereafter. I like to think they are walking along together now.


Ned, Lucky, and Dusty
Ned, Lucky, and Dusty were Sydney’s 3 chicks which she hatched. Dusty would fall in the pool at 3 days old and pass away. Ned and Lucky would live with us for about 8 weeks before going to live with the father Stanley. Ned would eventually take over Stanley’s flock when Stanley suddenly passed on.


Ned and Lucky

Sylvie and Legertha
Sylvie and Legertha were 2 Candy Corn Polish chicks that we raised until they were young pullets. They were very attached to me and had the same sort of affinity for me as did Maleficent. Sadly, Legertha would die from a rupture of her brain through a hole in her skull that did not close as it should. Sylvie would be killed shortly thereafter by a hawk.


Betty is our second full grown Polish hen. She also happens to be a Frizzle. She is a little over 1 year old. She joined us alone and is still building her friendships with everyone else. Betty fell into the pool and we could not get her out before she had passed to hypothermia. She passed away on her 2nd birthday.


Lady Featherington
Lady Featherington is a Jubilee Orpington that joined the tribe in May of 2022.


Gucci is a Buff-laced Polish pullet that joined the tribe in May of 2022. Sadly Gucci seemed to have several congenital issues and passed away in October of 2022.


Glynda is the first all-white chicken to live at FBA since Daisy, The Greatest Hen Ever. She is a Frost Legbar pullet and joined us in May of 2022. She is our first blue egg layer.

Fluffy Butt Acres, orpington, Polish, Frost legbar, Easter egger, Barred rock

So, to recap, the following chickens are currently in residence at Fluffy Butt Acres. This is the current pecking order

  1. Aurora
  2. Hattie
  3. Sydney
  4. Phyllis
  5. Glynda
  6. Lady Featherington
Those that have lived at FBA and have passed on in order of their passing.
  • Dolly
  • Trisha
  • Elphie
  • Daisy, the greatest hen ever
  • Jabberwocky
  • Patsy
  • Maleficent
  • Dusty
  • Legertha
  • Sylvie
  • Sansa
  • Lilly
  • Gucci
  • Betty
About author
BY Bob

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I've been trying to read through the entire FBA page... and it's been two hours and i've made it to page 90... :) Explains a lot!!!!!!!
I loved this! Thanks for sharing!
This was very helpful for me to understand! I am sorry about all of the hens that have passed!
  • Love
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BY Bob
BY Bob
You are very sweet. Thank you for the kind words.


Thank you, Bob! I feel like I got the Cliff's Notes to War and Peace for chickens. I love your site, but it is HUGE, and this is a wonderful recap for people who weren't there for the BEGINNING! Thank you so much!
Thank you, Bob! I feel like I got the Cliff's Notes to War and Peace for chickens. I love your site, but it is HUGE, and this is a wonderful recap for people who weren't there for the BEGINNING! Thank you so much!
The thread is immense. This kind of is like Cliff's Notes. Great analogy. 🤣

This has become my go to reference when people ask about things like Tax, etc.

I'm glad you found it worth your time to read.
Those polish are really cute!! What made Daisy the greatest hen ever?
Everything she did. She was my best friend and she took care of the other hens giving them a wonderful place to live. She was smart, clever, and had a special soul. She is the reason we still have chickens because if not for her we would have given up on the chicken project.

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BY Bob
Article read time
8 min read
Last update
5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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