Click Your Way to a Well-Trained Chicken

Good information on clicker training chickens. Sometimes when animal trainers are learning to use a clicker, they will actually do "chicken camp" to teach them how to use the clicker right by training a chicken to do an obstacle course.
Great information on a method that most people think is difficult use. It couldn't be easier ... and this article shows just how simple it can be. The link to purchase a clicker is a bonus ... but a REALLY neat bonus would be a video, especially if there was a trick involved!
Thanks for the information I will be trying this with my chickens
This is adorable! I can’t wait to train my girls to do cute things. Maybe I can also teach them to be gentle to my fingers when I bring them mealworms. Thank you for this article!
Getting a chicken to come to you beats trying to dive on them in some rough undergrowth.
A link to the cited study would have been good.
Two things I would like to know.
Does this work with sick chickens.
If the chickens are well fed does one need to change the treat as boredom sets in.
I don't know that a sick chicken would be open to training...but if the training has already occurred, a sick chicken should respond to learned cues. As far as the treat. You should reserve a favorite treat to only be given as a reward to following a given cue. If your chickens go gaga for mealworms, don't ever give them except as a reward. That will keep their interest high.
This is a clear and concise account of a straightforward method of training that is commonly used with dogs, but which apparently also works with chickens. I intend to try it with my own chickens, who I currently get to stand on scales by letting them inside one at a time and dangling a mealworm over the scales, which works, but then either they are very quick on and off or they are liable to jump up to try to reach the mealworm, which wrecks the reading; this method looks much better.

The article is appropriately illustrated with examples and photos, and is well written. It would be useful to add, in a reference section at the end, the bibliographic details of the work from 2005 cited in the opening paragraph, so those who wish to follow up could do so.
Thank you for the suggestion. I have edited the article to provide a link to a pdf on the study.
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