There are many, many highly useful and informative articles to get You started however few draw attention to a fundamentally important Chicken Habit that will destroy Your enjoyment and sanity if You don't have a mitigating strategy .

Chickens POOP and in abundance they do. NEVER Ever underestimate this.
Its smelly dirty and can be very frustrating to deal with.
If You accept this and plan for it You will enjoy Your Chickens.
If You don't, Your enthusiasm will dissipate very quickly.

1. If You are going to keep them in a relatively confined space such as a Coop, You will need easy access to "Scoop The Poop". Even if they are to free-range by day they will be housed overnight so You need an easy to clean the Chicken House. Chicken House Design must provide ease of access for cleaning. The use of slide-out trays and absorbent litter is good advice.

2. They Poop wherever they wish and will have no hesitation dropping it into their water and food. So take this into account when deciding on what Waterer and Feeder to use. Choose one that they cannot sit or stand on and is raised from the ground slightly.

If You take care of the above before You receive Your Chickens, You are set for happy days.