Chicken Treats - What and What Not to Feed Your Feather Babies

This article could be improved by fixing the spelling, grammar, and formatting.

Then there is the misinformation about and dangerous advice.
Very short on real info as to what is ok to feed chickens. It's summer and my chickens love ice cold watermelon as well as other cold fruits like grapes and tomatoes.
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Treats should not be more than about one tablespoon full worth per day.
The information presented is too general. Typically when people are looking for what is ok to feed an animal, saying that if it's in your garden, it's probably is ok is not very helpful, especially since there are some things grown in gardens that are definitely NOT ok for chickens (or other pets) to eat. Rotten food should not be given to chickens, or any animal that has not evolved to deal with the potentially harmful bacteria. Saying to not give too many treats is not specific enough to be helpful either. One person's "too much" is another person's "not enough".

I think the author's explanation of how they allow their chickens to help in the garden was more helpful and interesting, even if it was anecdotal.
Article did cover some stuff that chickens can and cannot eat as long with how much to give them on some treats. I do think that the article didn't mention enough of foods to give and not give chickens. The article also had a couple of misleading/dangerous suggestions for chickens.
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Typos, not very detailed, and missing a lot of crucial information.
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SO sorry you have a low opinion of my article. Please, tell me how I can make it better.
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