Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens

Gave my chickens the leftover lobster head and legs and WOW, they did not hesitate to tear it apart. There was running and stealing and more stealing. It was the most entertaining thing to watch. I may just start splurging regularly on lobster now just so I can give the leftovers to my chickens!
Comprehensive yet straight forward and easy to understand. I've seen other lists of treats around and this one gives the best information. Thank you.
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but only when their good we don’t want to over spoil them now do we lol.
Posts like this one are a blessing for newbies like myself. Thank you so much!

Loved all those pictures of happy chickens enjoying their treats, they are super cute.
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This is great to know what you can, and can't give chickens. I'm new in the game, and needed this information. Great article!
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I didn't realize I could feed my chickens so many treats
I appreciate that it includes the do's as well as the don't, including a list to the poisonous plants discussion. It also includes an important reminder that chickens will eat things that are bad for them if they are avalable.
I've printed the charts, they're hanging on the side of our fridge with a magnet for easy reference.
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Thank you so much for the information. I give my leftovers to the girls and other things on the list. I'm happy to see that what I am giving them is on the list.
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Reactions: Clubber1234
Very very good, my chickens never get cat food, and I dont think they should but they do like the occasional tidbit of dog kibble..... not sure about this so i try to let them but they have been known to steal our LG dogs dinner!
There are many foods included in this list. Foods that can be fed as treats for your chickens, as well as those you should avoid are mentioned. Most items are briefly expanded upon for more information, such as suggested amount and preparation.
I enjoyed the photos, too!
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Reactions: SongBaby33
Terrific info for all of us that own from 2 to 102 chickens. And easy to reference quickly. :thumbsupThanks!

Mine love the plain yogurt or cottage cheese mixed with veggie scraps and raw oatmeal. But occasionally they go for styrofoam or peeling paint. I have to keep a very close watch that they don’t get into trouble!:barnie
İmportant knowledges for me
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Reactions: SongBaby33
As if the author has read the mind of the chicks!
Very good information Thanks
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Reactions: Marieaa70
Nice article!
This is something I have been wondering about for a long time. I'm so glad I found this article!
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