Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

One of the most fun articles on the forums! But so TRUE~
Omg this is fantastic! I had a good laugh reading it, it made my day hahah!
Hilarious!!! This could be applied to arguments for why the coop/run/chicken yard need to be expanded or fortified. 😉
I always knew that my one Novogen (whose sister flew away last year) and my Buff Brahma (whose sister died young) both didn't count, but now I have the proof!
Chicken math at its finest.
Cute and entertaining.
Took me about half way to realize the pictures weren’t real math! I’m pretty good at math and I just didn’t get it at all, x + 1 = 1/2 a chick. What? I was so confused! LOL Then I got it and I was like “now how do I explain why you can look outside and see at least 6 chickens but yet I only have 1?” (They are all named)
Love your instructional dedication!:yesss:
This made me realize that I have 0 chickens (all are named) so I guess know I can go get more
Lol ?
(Also where did you get the chicken emoji there really cool)
The article is incredible and you have just convinced me to go buy more chickens
This is hilarious! I think this means I can add a few new breeds. Since of course they don't count!
Good article but I do have a problem with the naming. I named my 3 cows that will be on my dinner plate someday... Before I read this article I had over 50 chickens no your right I don't remember all their names but, they all had a name at some point so that counts.
This was egg-celent and the problems were fun! I needed a notebook tho.
Huh, I guess I can go get more chickens now... I have 0 chickens! (All are named, all of different breeds)
the perfect thing to show my parents! technically only have a two quail if it counts for them too, might as well go get 10 more!
It took me many tries over the last year, and more re-reads than I can count, but I finally looked past all the confusing diagrams and found that this article wasn't serious.

Well yes, it is serious. It has seriously-good hints about how to get more chickens!

All my chickens are named, so it appears that I have no chickens! Oh no, how could such a thing happen? I only see one solution: get more chickens!

Well done :clap you even had me fooled there! Thanks for sharing your secrets!
You have no idea how much I needed this article.
This is an awesome article. Everything is totally true and it is full of facts.
This is the first article I have ever left a reveiw on. It is absolutly spectacular! I've been told I have enough chickens, and don't need more..... now I have the proofs to prove otherwise! Thank you so much! I also got a 100% on the quiz! This is my favorite math class I have ever been to, and for once, I can apply what I learned in math, to my daily life! :lau

Seriously though..... THANK YOU! Such a fun read, loved every bit.

Although.... I do have one question..... What if my whole flock is named?
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If your whole flock is named... remember you have to have at least 1 chicken or people will think you are crazy. You might even round up to 2 just to be safe. Now that said, if you only have two chickens, you probably should get some more to keep them company... right?
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