Chicken bully/chicken victim - a two-sided issue

Easy to follow practical advice. Well written. This article gives hope and a new view on a very old problem.
This is super helpful! I got 4 layers, 2 Plymouth Rocks and 2 Easter Eggers 3-weeks ago. The 2 Easter eggers are the mean ones to the Rocks, but lay consistently. The Rocks have not laid an egg yet in 3 weeks. Iassumed that separating them to make sure they are all getting enough food would be prudent. I was going to put the Easter eggers in the tractor and leave the rocks in the caged/coop 8'x7' to encourage them to lay. I assume being in the tractor on the grass is cooler because it's different. How do I even the playing field and get my Rocks to start laying?
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Sweet stories, and I'm glad they all ended happily. I have several stories about bullying that didn't end well, but by using this method I believe I will develop many happily-ever-afters.

Yes, everybody should have a "Chicken Jail", though we call ours the "Chicken Hospital". In addition to a place for bullies chickens it can also be used for sick chickens, or introducing new chicks to the flock.

Great article with good info. Thanks for taking the time to make it, @azygous!
Very well written and the photos were wonderful (love the yellow turtleneck). This is an idea that's new to me and I'm glad to be able to add it to my "tool belt". I am also planning my coop and see the value in reserving a flexible space for victim isolation . Thank you for this article.
I have never thought about separating the bullied and not just the bully! Great advice, hopefully I won't have to use it :). Although I prefer thinking of it as "Chicken Rehab Center" over "Chicken Jail" for spoiled little birds.
Thank you so much, I shall have to try this with my birds. My poor light Brahma, Ni Hao, just lets everyone pick at her and I've been at my wits end wondering what to do. Thanks for offering your perspective and insight on this very troubling issue.
Excellent job. I have a potential jailbird if she doesn’t get on the ball. Planning my very own jailhouse right now. Thanks for your wisdom!
Although I've yet to have a chicken suffer from bullying, "victim refuge" will be one more use for my built-in brooder. It's nice to know that I will have a ready solution for a potential problem in my flock. Thank you for the well written, NOT too long article!
Building a new coop this coming month. I will definitely add an additional space for this purpose. Really useful information for something I'd never thought about before.
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This is so helpful for our situation! Thank you so much for sharing!
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I can definitely see myself implementing this system.

It never occurred to me to build a “jail” alongside the existing coop, but it makes perfect sense. I know squabbles in the flock are inevitable so I am doing my research now while my flock are still babies and easier to manage.

Also, raising the chicks in a brooder alongside the existing flock sounds like a great idea because when it’s time to truly introduce the new members, they will already be somewhat aquainted and will have their own refuge should they need it.

Thanks for the tips!
After over a month on this site trying to find help with my hen, not knowing what was going on or what to do. I did separate my girl, as I thought she may be sick. She’s been separated for 10 days now and not sure if I should keep going or just put her back with the rest. I have seen some improvement in doing this. But didn’t realize it will likely take longer for her to come around. But huge difference in just separating her. Tail was down, let herself go, stopped eating. Now she’s eating well, tail is up and she’s actually started to mingle with the others. It has always been her by herself. After reading this I know there is hope and will keep going. Thank you so much
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I will try your method really soon
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Thanks for sharing an important perspective and solution. Well done!
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thanks for sharing this, we will be renovating the run in the spring and I love this idea.
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I've always wondered if I should intervien and now I have a better idea of what to watch for outside of the pecking order behavior. Thank you!
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Thank you for sharing your experiences. This article gives useful info on dealing with flock unrest.
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