Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens

Hilarious, honest, and a fun tale every chicken keeper (new and old) should read :D
What a great story, I am sure every chicken keeper can relate on some level. Thanks for perking up my morning!
Wonderfully written article, and so true! I laughed all the way through it.
This was very funny and made my day :)
A great warning article for those who are thinking about getting chickens. And for those who already have chickens!
OK, but definitely not what I expected.
Funny and maybe even helpful for people new to chickens to read!
Thank you for sharing! I learned a lot and got a good chuckle from your dog story! :)
This was very helpful article. It taught me some stuff that I needed to know, and it was humorous too! Especially no:2.
Humorous, fun, well written article.
This is hilarious! The sunbathing one was so relatable. My indoor chicken kept flying onto the counter while I was cooking and in a fit of pure irritation I threw her outside. I came back a few minutes later and she was sprawled out in the porch steps. I was so sure she was dead! Now she begs to be let out every morning and taps on the door when she wants back in🤣
Delightfully funny article!
Absolutely hilarious! Your sense of humor about your cluckers is epic! If you’ve never considered writing a book or short story, you really should. I am still laughing. And about that poop? Nope, it won’t wash out! ??:lau
Hysterical!! an excellent fun-to-read article. Thanks for the info!
Extremely funny and true. Chickens are the hoot to watch.:celebrate
I absolutely loved this!! You have a wonderful galant for writing humor!!
I gave up letting mine out of their fencing because I love my gardens too much and I’m a cluttered without finding all their holes the hard way! ??? We have a bantam polish that while she’s not brain damaged, she’s still completely batty!! We also have a few gang members! Thanks for the laughs!
Informative and I enjoyed your humor and advice. Thanks for taking the time!
Number 8! Yes definitely number 8. ?
You made me giggle so loud! There are so many of these that I can relate to but you can't just say these to anyone or they will probably call to have your mental health checked! ? I got into chickens May 2020 & dove in head first! (I didn't even have a coop to put them in yet) I have loved nearly every moment of it.
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