Chickens can eat celery, which is good news. Additionally, it is rich in good nutrition and is healthy in small amounts.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Scraps?​

They can absolutely do so. However, that doesn't mean they'll eat celery if you give it to them. Some chickens can be particular about what they eat, particularly bland vegetables.

Chickens do not have teeth. Celery is hard to break up, and it can be quite stringy. It shouldn't be a problem to digest, but it might be a problem if you hand it over in one piece.

Is Celery Healthy for Chickens?​

Celery is beneficial to us and to the chickens. It's low in calories and rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional components. There's hardly any cholesterol and saturated fat in it. In addition, it is a good source of Riboflavin and many other nutritional elements, including:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin A, C, K
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

In addition to lettuce and kale, celery can be considered a green vegetable when fed to our chickens. Sharing celery with your flock has no downside as long as it is in date, served properly, and not given too much.

Can Chickens Eat the Stalks, Pulp, Stems, Leaves, Tops, and the Roots?​

A good rule of thumb to follow is to give your chicks nothing that you wouldn't eat yourself. It is fine to share other parts of the celery plant with them if you follow this rule. As a matter of fact, the leaves include the most vitamin C, potassium, and calcium, so they are even better for chickens.

Celeriac, the root of the plant, is also edible. You can try it if you like, but it has a denser texture and is more starchy. Among vegetables, celery is among the best. If you grow the plants yourself, most of them can be consumed or shared.

How to Feed Celery to Chickens​

Check If It’s Good​

Firstly, make sure the product is still fresh. Don't feed your chickens anything you wouldn't consume yourself. Moldy foods contain toxins that can be very harmful to your flock.

Chop It Up​

Celery is stringy, and since chickens lack teeth to break and chew it up, giving it to them in long strands can create problems for them. It’s easiest to eat if it's chopped up sideways or diced. Combined with grit, it will be able to be broken up further once in their crop.

Add it to Their Feed​

Chopping up foods can easily result in losing them on the floor or letting them degrade before they're eaten. So by adding it to their feed you know that they're benefiting right away.

Don’t Get Carried Away​

Celery is great if they seem to enjoy eating it. Try not to overdo it, however. Rotate scraps to give them a variety of choices. Lastly, remember the 90/10 rule. Only 10% of their diet should be scraps and treats.

In Conclusion​

Yes, chickens can consume celery. They get some good nutrition from it, and it is easy to feed them, complementing their overall diet.