Bumblefoot In Chickens : My Successful Treatment


I'm sure you read so many articles on the said subject .. me too! but today i'm sharing my own terms of treating it successful treatment within a short time period and less pain

Let's first know what is bumblefoot i know so many new chicken keepers still not aware of this infection. BUMBLEFOOT also known as Pododermatitis, Dermatitis, Paw Burns, Foot Pad Ulcers happens to all birds , animals .

Bumblefoot Is an infection caused by the bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus , which enters in chicken system by a crack or scratch in the skin of the foot and start forming But!

Not always bumblefoot happens like that ..
I have home pet chickens who live indoor and they start having this condition living in clean and dry atmosphere without any soil or dirt entering in foot . I figure it out soon that they keep walking on their poop, Jumping from bed or sofas and this poopy+ jumping thing causing their foot to get infected with this scabby infection .
Malnutrition also cause it so keeping your chicken access to all vitamins is a must.

All bumblefoot varies bird to bird in my case my rooster having a soft red to pink footpad in the begening there's no swelling no scab but the foot seems a bit red and soft in the center . Soon after some weeks it develop a dot like stuff in the center of the foot which was earlier pink and soft . Then I got know things are taking place in his foot and he needs treatment .

other common signs are :
1. Limping and less walking or running
2. Fold one leg and stand on the other one .
3. keep sitting down to avoid the pain .
4. hard swelling in the foot with a blackhead scab
5. scab become more swelling and started to spread above on the upper foot . which is very dangerous .
(A) Tootoo's Fully Devloped Bumblefoot

(B) Teetee's Bumblefoot It Was Minor


For Bumblefoot i did the same what all chicken keepers suggested , Soaking foot in Epsom salt and Cleaning it betadine .
Nothing worked for me! Neither bumblefoot gone nor swelling even the scab started spreading on the finger line .

Betadine didn't heal in my case but can heal yours as i mentioned bird to bird varies .

So here's my own treatment I used for Bumblefoot :

1.) Oregano Oil And Baby Shampoo
2.) Coconut Oil Or Mustard Oil
3.) Baytril 10% Oral (Enrofloxacin)
4.) Silver Sulfadiazine Ointment
5.) pair of twizers
6.) Cotton Gauze
7.) Vet Wrap or Bandage
8.) Vitamin Supplement

Process :
Make some hot water (not much just pretty hot) Add Some 3-4 Drops Of Oregano Oil In A Tub (Oregano Oil Have Antibacterial Properties Against Staphylococcus)
Now Add 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
And 2 Tbsp Shampoo And soak the foot of chicken for at least 20 min straight .
We did tootoo's Bumblefoot removal 4 week after his comb surgery because he having a bad bad bumblefoot


Teetee Seems So Calm While Soaking the foot! He have minor scab .

After soaking the foot skin will become so soft and u will notice the scab Is coming out with the help of the lubrication of coconut oil
Now use Twizers
I used this one


With the help of twizers kindly try to pull the scab it will come out in one try . Once the scab out there will be bleeding starts very little let it bleed a little bit because it will flush out the Infection .


Then Pour Oral Baytril On The Open Wound

And Then Apply Silver Sulfadiazine Ointment And Pack The Wound

Wrap It And Leave It For 72hrs

Give Daily 1-2 Drops Dose Of Vitamins Till It Recovers , If The Wound Is Very Deep Use 10 Days Oral Baytril 10 mg Per KG 2 times a day

Month After Bumblefoot Removal

Fully Healed

Thank You :)
About author
Hello there! my name is saaniya jackson & i am crazy chicken mumther who having two beautiful leghorn rooster Tootoo & Teetee. , Rescue pigeons & Rescued Cockateils
we live in India , Research about Chicken cases & Find cures through natural resources like herbs and natural medicines, Tootoo who is my star rooster helped through his Case of Extra Large Comb Surgery in 2018 and BYC become a family for him spreading his story with everyone Tootoo till today helped more then 79+ Roosters around the world regarding his Surgery of dubbing that saves life on sudden note .

Latest reviews

Excellent article and pictures! I'm sharing it with someone who is asking about bumblefoot. Thank you!
Nice bumblefoot treatment article
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This is an excellent aide in treating bumblefoot. The pictures - before, during and after - are excellent and the instructions are easy to follow. Thank you for this!
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Thank you all I'm facing issues with my laptop i will try to post more whenever I will get a new one 🙂

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Saaniya Jackson
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