
It seems like this is just a partial article. It could be improved upon a ton!
A few of my thoughts:
  • First, more details. How does this work? What is bumblefoot exactly? Forms of severity? More details on the treatment would help, along with options.
  • More pictures. Showing what you did is always helpful
  • Fixing grammatical errors would help.
  • You don’t bring a chicken to the doctor-you bring them to the veterinarian. Most people would understand this though. Just making sure facts are straight and clear.
  • Adding why the banana peel works would help. I don’t know why this would work, however. Scientific evidence is needed. I know that banana peels have potassium, and the ability to draw metals out of water, but how does that affect bumblefoot? Personally, I don’t believe this would help. It reminds me of the people who say ‘put an onion in your sock at night to draw toxins out of your body!’ Or ‘use oregano oil and it’ll cure your eyesight’ or ‘carrots cure cancer!’ Scientific evidence is needed in all of these cases. We need more than ‘banana peels cure bumblefoot’
  • Providing links to references and sources are always beneficial
  • Adding information on other treatment helps - such as bumblefoot surgery.
Otherwise, I think this articles ok. Just could use some improvement and reasoning behind the statement. :)
No details or facts to back anything up. Calling bumblefoot the result of poor management is also not accurate. My chickens have one and a half acres to free range in. They climb in arborvitae branches and walk over the roots of trees. There could be a rock with a sharp edge. I cannot control the millions of rocks and stones and roots in my yard. I can leave my beloved girls stuck in a run all day long with no freedom, or I can let them free range in which they might get Bumblefoot. That is not poor management, that is environmental and it is choice.
Needs more information about what bumble foot is, how to treat it, and why the heck a banana peel of all things? What does that do for the foot? How did you come across this “discovery?”
Needs more information about what causes bumblefoot.
The article could use some supporting information about treating with banana peels
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